First Human Trials of Neuralink Brain Chip Show Astounding Engagement

First Human Trials of Neuralink Brain Chip Show Astounding Engagement

Participants in the first human trials of the Neuralink brain chip have astounded experts with their level of engagement and usage of the revolutionary technology. Neuralink, the startup led by Elon Musk, shared details from the first 100 days of its PRIME Study, where paralysed individuals were fitted with a brain-machine interface, allowing them to control a computer using only their thoughts. Interestingly, it was revealed that participants were utilizing the chip for up to 12 hours per day, primarily for recreational activities such as playing video games.

One participant, Noland Arbaugh, a quadriplegic who became paralyzed after a diving accident, expressed his excitement about the newfound capabilities. Arbaugh explained that he had been utilizing the Neuralink chip to play online video games like Civilization VI and Mario Kart, browse the internet, and even live stream his gaming sessions. He described the experience as a “luxury overload,” not having been able to engage in these activities for eight years. Arbaugh was pleasantly surprised to find that the games he played using the chip were far more advanced and rewarding than those he had played before. He even found himself beating his friends, a feat he never expected to achieve as a quadriplegic.

Prior to receiving the Neuralink chip, Arbaugh relied on a mouth-held tablet stylus, which had to be manipulated by a caregiver and could only be used in an upright position. This led to muscle fatigue, pressure sores, and discomfort. With the chip, Arbaugh is now able to use it unassisted, even while lying in bed. He expressed the freedom it has brought him, stating, “It lets me live on my own time, not needing to have someone adjust me throughout the day.”

Neuralink has revealed that future iterations of the brain chip could offer wearers “enhanced abilities,” such as improved reasoning skills or the ability to stream music directly to the brain. Elon Musk has previously suggested that the chip could also potentially cure blindness and facilitate instantaneous language learning. However, the ultimate goal of Neuralink is to augment human capabilities to the point where they can effectively compete with advanced artificial intelligence.

Despite the promising breakthroughs offered by the Neuralink chip, the company has faced criticism from animal rights groups regarding alleged mistreatment of pigs and monkeys during early tests. Both Musk and Neuralink have vehemently denied these allegations.

The progress made in the PRIME Study showcases the incredible potential of the Neuralink brain chip to revolutionize the lives of individuals living with paralysis. With continued advancements, this technology has the power to unlock independence and provide new opportunities for individuals who have been previously limited in their abilities.

Written By

Jiri Bílek

In the vast realm of AI and U.N. directives, Jiri crafts tales that bridge tech divides. With every word, he champions a world where machines serve all, harmoniously.